August 15

How to create a perfect Welcome video for your Facebook group


Do you really need a Welcome Video in your Group?

The answer is a definite yes!

To make the people feel more welcome to the group, you would want to create a nice warm greeting. 

As you already know, there should be a Welcome Message pinned to the top of your Group’s Discussion. So, the video is a great addition to the Welcome Message.

Having both the message and video creates a more personalized approach to communication with your ideal customers. And as we know from the latest marketing trends, that is exactly how you can win over the hearts of loyal customers.

What to say in a Welcome Video?

Usually, a Welcome Video consists of the same information as the text in Welcome Message

However, every Welcome Video will differ from one another. It all depends on the style of communication you chose to use in your group. It is possible to break the recipe down to a few basic and simple steps for you.

Before anything else, you should say words of a warm welcome to the group.

It is utterly important to give off a nice first impression, much like in person. If your Group Members feel like they are welcome in that space, they would want to stay there for a long time and, if you are lucky, invite their friends there. The next thing to do is to introduce yourself.

Remember that you are the main star of your page. The center of attention.

People are looking after the leader the most. You are the person to set the tone for the future of the group and show leadership abilities at this stage. If people like you, if they like what you are about, they will want to check out your group.

Lastly, you should mention the next steps that you want them to take.

To wrap up your Welcome Video smoothly you want to add the call to action! People may feel a little disoriented and confused in a new group, so make sure you tell them what to do in your group. Since you already grabbed their attention, it is time to take it to the next level.

Why do we need a Welcome Video, when we already have a Welcome Message?

You need both because people are better at learning through different channels of information.

Many of the Facebook group owners are using both a Welcome Message and a Welcome Video. Because usually there are a lot of people who do not have time to read a rather lengthy message and would much rather watch a video. Also, some people are visual or verbal learners, so it is more effective to try to get their attention through the video.

Do not forget about keywords!

It is also important to include keywords in your Welcome Video and Welcome Message. This will help to quickly convince readers that this is the group they need.

Look up the top 20 performing keywords for your niche here:

Ubersuggest - a powerful SEO tool that shows you keywords related to your niche, monthly search volume, CPC & competition data.

Or you could also use Answer The Public website to find the most popular questions and phases people use to discuss your keywords

Answer The Public- a great tool for analyzing questions about your niche that users actually ask
Answer The Public

Welcome Video Script

Now! Try to record your first short Welcome Video using the Script Template that we have prepared for you:

  • Welcome and Congratulate them on their decision to join the group.
  • Remind them why they joined the group and what they can expect. (i.e. X [Result] in Y [Days/Weeks/Months] without Z [undesired pain].)
  • Proudly declare your group’s Manifesto (if you have one).

What exactly is the manifesto, you may ask?

It is the answer to the question of “What does it mean to be a member of this group”.

People should have clear expectations on what kind of benefits they will get from joining you. 

Also, they need to know which rules they must follow to be accepted in the community. That means explaining how the group will work, what they can expect from you the group leader, what kind of group member you expect them to be.

Being in a group of hundreds or thousands of people means a LOT of communication.

Lay the ground rules and make sure they know the VALUE they will get as an engaged tribe member.

Last but not least, give them their “Next Steps” – some call to action. (e.g... Post a GIF, post an intro video, tell us where you’re from, tell us how we can help you, check out this post, subscribe to my Chatbot to get notifications.)

How to film a Welcome Video?

There is a lot of free software that we recommend using for recording ranging from Zoom to a free google extension called Awesome Screenshot.

Good job! You should be all set for your Welcome Video.


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