September 10

How to 10X engagement on your posts in other peoples Facebook Groups and on your Facebook Profile


Is your post not getting any comments and likes in the Group? Your message to the world might be terrific, but if it’s not getting any views – there is no use for it!

It’s not your fault. The Facebook Algorithm is the one to blame! So, how to make your post visible? What is the secret sauce?

This article will provide a step-by-step explanation about increasing engagement on your Personal posts as well as your Group Posts.

Actually, both of those methods have something in common. And that is priming. “What is priming?” you might ask. Well, priming is a way of maximizing the engagement rate.

How to increase engagement on your Facebook Group posts?

Facebook Group posts are the posts that can be found on the feed of the Facebook Group. Its admin as well as the members themselves can add new posts, but not all of the posts get noticed.

There are few steps you should take in order to have a decent engagement:

1. Pick an appropriate Facebook Group with a sizable audience.

Important reminder: you should consider the Group’s target audience and the theme. Doing that is crucial while choosing the place where you want to get engagement. You don’t want to publish a post about marketing in a Group that primarily focuses on baking.

2. Prepare the post you are about to publish in this Facebook Group.

It is better to prepare all the materials for the post before you start getting any engagement. That is because your engagement rate falls as time goes. So it is more effective to put together the whole post, increase the engagement and only then publish it. A nice way of decorating your post is by adding pictures and videos – that attract more people.

3. Open the Group Discussion tab and start reacting to the most recent or popular posts. Leave a like or any other reaction to the post, comment, and tag the author, so that its author sees it.

You can type a reply to someone’s opinion or simply react to the news with the audience of the chosen Group. But don’t forget to tag the people.

It is extremely important to tag the author of the post or any other person you are replying to. That way these people will get notifications and you will be more likely to get a response.

4. Now do this for 15 minutes straight.

This approach may seem a little uninteresting, but you should try to keep doing this at least for 15 minutes in order to receive the engagement you want.

5. Now publish your post in the Facebook Group.

This is the right time to bring out your prepared post. You’ve already done your priming, you’ve got a huge boost to your engagement rate and now you are ready to hit that “post” button.

Go ahead and make a post. Discover posts of a certain kind here

Be careful with your link postings. Even if you follow the Group’s rules, your post will be removed and its visibility will be reduced. So it is strongly recommended that you don’t add links to your posts. They are allowed to be added to the comments, if necessary.

Facebook also considers animated GIFs as links. If you wish to retain your post’s rating, please reupload them as videos.

You can post any kind of relevant content. Any of these three may be considered a value post, article, or engagement piece. You may also post a picture. However, after completing the previous step, you will get a lot of attention for your material if you engage with the feed 15 minutes before you publish it.

To ensure that your post gets the attention it deserves, you should make sure it’s not too spammy and of interest to your consumers.

6. Keep the post alive.

Now all that is left is just to reply to the people who start leaving comments on your post. Don’t respond to comments under your post right away. If you’ve followed all the advice above, you will soon get comments. The more you wait, the more of them you will have. Be patient for a few minutes. Over time, one at a time, begin responding to the replies. 

This approach makes sense, right? Every time you respond to one of your Group’s posts, it goes to the top of the feed.

That means greater exposure, and because of it, more people will likely click on your profile. Perhaps they would want to be a part of your Facebook Group. Maybe they may begin a discussion with you, perhaps even following you. No matter which choice they go with, you will benefit since those consumers might be exactly who you are hoping to reach.

How to improve engagement on your Personal posts?

1. Go through your news feed and engage with as much content as you can. You should prime the content of your friends and anyone on your feed except for sponsored content because commenting on sponsored posts doesn’t bring any new people to your posts.

2. Each time you are about to publish a new post, do this for at least 15 minutes:

Like other personal posts that show up on the Group feed; (Not sponsored posts, because they are useless in creating an activity in your Group!)

Sponsored post
Sponsored post is something to avoid

Comment on other peoples posts and tag the author in it; ( It is much easier if you do it on your phone because your comments tag the author automatically);

Comment on other peoples posts and tag the author in it
Comment on other peoples posts and tag the author in it

Do this for the entire 15 minutes period before you post. Not more, not less. The main idea behind this approach is to keep your account relevant to Facebook and the people who’s posts you liked as well. Other users will be more likely to interact with the fresh post after seeing your face and your profile name active on their news feed.

Besides, if you directly respond to them in the comments section or interact with their post, they will be more interested in you.

BUT it works only for the new posts.

Facebook prioritizes content that has been posted recently over posts from days ago. The old ones are already ranked. Every time you comment on an existing post it shows up in the comments section, but only for a short time. After that, it will be hidden from other users.

Anything else before you publish your new post? Not really, you are now ready to put out your brand new post. It helps to have a good image, or even better – a video, attached to your next post. This way it becomes more attractive!

3) Let’s switch to the responses on your page after you have published your post.

The most important time frame for any engagement is the first hour. During this time you can skyrocket the activity by replying to the comments (do not forget to tag people!) and making conversations with users under your new post.

4) You should do it for at least 10 minutes after you publish something. Remember: the more you do it, the better the outcome will be. Because you are going to get more activity under each post!

Can all this be applied to Facebook Pages? Not at all. Facebook pages don’t have any organic reach, it’s a full-on “pay to play” game. Facebook pages will bring you exactly zero traffic unless you are ready to pour some funds into it.


The biggest takeaway here is that it is crucial to generate active signals if you want to prompt engagement. By using this guide, you will increase it 10 times under posts in your Facebook Group or your personal Facebook Profile


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