August 1

How to make a Group description for your Facebook Group?


When you create a group on Facebook, there are three big dominos:

1) Group description
2) Welcome Message/Video
3) Starter Content

First of all, you should focus on Group Description. This article will explain step by step how to create a good group description.
What is the purpose of a group description? Group description allows sharing the community’s values and mission with new members. Also, the group description is visible for all Facebook users. Even if your group is Private. It means other Facebook users can easily see the group description and make a decision to join it.
To make a good Facebook group description follow the next steps:

  1. Go to the page of your group on Facebook and find the little square button with three dots and text “more”. Click on it, as it is shown in picture no.1
Button for adding a group description
Text “more”

2. Find the option “Edit group settings” as it is shown in picture no.2

 "Edit Group Settings" button
Click on the “Edit Group Settings”

3. Now, a new page appears in front of you. Here you can find the place “Description” where you will add your group description. It’s shown in picture no.3

Description editing section
The Description part is here

4. Now, it’s the right time to start making your group description. It’s recommended to start your description with greetings. For example: “Welcome to” or “Welcome the” and add your group title.

the first part of the description
Start with a warm greeting

5. The next step is the goal of your group. It has to give all the necessary information about the values, mission, and activities of the community. Mention the field of activities your group is aimed at. There are some examples from some Facebook groups below.

A good example of goal setting
A good example of goal setting

Example of goal setting
Goal setting continued

  1. Then try to explain what your group covers. The kind of activities your group is doing. For example, you can explain what kind of themes will be discussed on your Facebook group.
  2. Next step is the place for opportunities. Try to list the opportunities that the group provides to users. Users are interested in what they are going to do in your group.
  3. You should have a clear understanding of the audience you are targeting. Do not hesitate to make criteria for your future members. Also, these criteria will help them (your potential members) define the relevance. In this case, the following phrases might be helpful:
    “This group is definitely for you if you are …”.
    “This group is for …”.
    “This group isn’t for…”
Example of outline,where you describe who would be interested in your group
Outline who would be interested in your group

9. It’s your Facebook group, that’s why feel free to make some rules and restrictions that have to be followed by future members. For example:

Example of a list of rules for your facebook group
Add rules

  1. You can add at the end of your description the invite to your group. For instance: “ Click on the blue button “Join Group” at the top of this page”.
  2. Use EMOJIS while creating your group description. This will make your group description more attractive and readable.
    You can use, for example, the website for locating them.
Emojipedia is for finding emojis
Emojipedia comes in handy for finding emojis

  1. Congratulations! You made a great group description!
    Following this guide, you can make a well-structured group description. For now, you have knocked down one of the key 3 dominoes. You can move to the next sections and start creating Welcome Message/Video and Starter content. The screenshots of good Facebook group descriptions are attached below. You can use them as examples. Take your time, organize your thoughts. Good luck!


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