August 11

5 Post Types to Immediately Raise Engagement in your Facebook Group


You have already created your group and started attracting your dream customers.  Now, it comes time to start attracting, members to your group. You must have asked yourself this question a lot – what kind of posts will immediately raise the engagement in my Facebook Group? This article will cover the five most popular Post Types.

You can use the popular post types inside and outside your group. It increases your visibility, relatability, and leads. It is crucial to the success of your group. 

There is a rule for people outside your group. The more people who see you and your profile, the more people will learn more about your group and join it. What about what happens inside of the group though?

Now, Facebook groups inside work pretty differently from the outside. You would treat your lifetime partner and a new date in different ways, right? 

The same goes for the group members. You want to be deeply personal and vulnerable with them. The more your followers feel like they relate to you – the better. Then they will get more interested in you and what you have to offer. 

Now, here is an interesting fact about leadership. People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. And if you want to let them know how much you care, telling stories is a great way to do that. 

Let’s dive right in and get technical.

Inspirational Quotes

The first type of Popular Post Types is Inspirational Quotes. 

The cool part about this is they help to lift spirits and ultimately make people feel better. Do you need to come up with the quote yourself? The answer is no, it’s a lot more simple. Inspirational Quotes are quotes from other individuals. 

Inspirational Quote Example, with a nice conversation starter at the end.
Inspirational Quote Example, with a nice conversation starter at the end.

You might want to add a question after your quote. That will draw more engagement to the post. And the more comments and likes your content gets, the better.

You will post the quotes on a Facebook native colored background. 

You may wonder one thing right now. What is Facebook’s native colored background? 

Facebook has created a way of putting a colored background instead of a boring white one. That way, when you want to create a brand new post, you get this little thing at the bottom.

Facebook lets you change the color of the background
Facebook provides you with an opportunity to make the simplest post pleasant to the eye

It lets you change the color of the background. That is the easiest and the quickest type of post to create.

Here is a cool thing. When you do this correctly, you can use this format as quotes from anyone popular in your field or industry.  

Use  Inspirational Quotes for pointing to the expertise or interests of that person.

Also, don’t forget that you are using their quotes to reflect your own diverse interests. Post quotes that are relevant to you and your group. People like to sense your honest self in these posts. 

Now, you see that creating these posts is pretty straightforward. All you will have to do is choose a Facebook background of your choice. Then put the inspirational soul uplifting quote in and ta-da! Your post is ready to be seen and liked by your community of followers.

Attraction Question

The second type of Popular Post type is the Attraction Question.

This is any type of question you can interestingly ask your audience. For example, it would be “What motivates you to increase your income?”. The question should be something that your target audience would want to talk about. It can be personal, or professional. The bottom line is that it should spark conversations.

Attraction Questions are used exactly for that. You can place them on a Facebook native colored background as well.

An example of the Attraction Question
An example of the Attraction Question

Try to ask questions that are expected to stimulate more conversations. Keep it respectful.

It doesn’t only help you increase engagement with your content. It also allows you to learn more about your group members. People in your group will form a stronger sense of community as they get to know each other on a deeper level as well. 

It might be either in your group or on your personal page. 

Story Post

Moving on to the next Popular Post type is the Story Post. 

Story Posts allow your audience to get to know you better.  These posts can offer a lesson, but that isn’t a strict requirement. 

As a rule, a good quality Story Post should include a personal photo and a personal story.   

Something like this would look good in a Personal Story Post text:

“Let me share a secret with you. Doing nothing is definitely not the best move for you. Letting procrastination and fear hold you captive is not the way to get what you dream of.

To get what I dreamed of, I had to move out from my family. I love them from the bottom of my heart, but I knew that they didn’t share my dreams. I wanted to become a writer in LA and help people worldwide feel worthy of it.

And so I did. And though it’s not always easy, please remember: I believe in you. Do it. Whatever holds you back from reaching your goal. You can do it”

An example of Story Post includes a story from your life, where with a lesson or not
A Story Post includes a story from your life, where with a lesson or not

Triple V Post

Post type number four is a Triple V Post. Hang around, we almost covered all five of them.

Now, what does the Triple V stand for?

Triple V stands for Vulnerable, Visible, and Valuable. Triple V posts absolutely must have an important lesson or a teaching point. They should also have an impactful image to further convince the reader of your lesson. The image should be of you, if possible.

You could share your personal worries or thoughts in a Triple V Post. You need to be vulnerable to further impact your readers. And it should end with a valuable lesson for your followers. 

Triple V Posts are personal AND teach a lesson
Triple V Posts are personal AND teach a lesson

Triple V posts offer so much to people. That’s why it is a powerful way to engage your community of followers with you and what you have to offer. 

Making a Triple V post means that you are not afraid to be vulnerable with your audience. You make an effort to be more likable and relatable. You use your experience to teach others a lesson in an engaging way.

An example of a Triple V post
They check all the boxes in making your audience like you as an online community leader

Offer Post

Last but not least, there’s an Offer Post.

This is where you share your offer with your audience. These posts are typically done in two ways. 

One, it connects your sale to a personal story or an anecdote. The story can be engaging and personal. It concludes with the link to the product you are selling.

Make sure that you state your offer distinctly to your audience. Customers are pretty smart and like transparency with that kind of stuff. 

Offer Posts are amazing for selling products
Offer Posts are amazing for selling products 

The second way to go about it is to focus on the offer only. These kinds of posts are as straightforward as it gets. You still want to attach a picture for visual presentation.

In your text, you can start selling your product right away. Ask them a question

A good Offer Only Post includes a sale
A good Offer Only Post includes a sale

Now, the ultimate goal of yours is to increase engagement. Either on your personal profile, or group, or both.

When people are being active under your posts, the Facebook algorithm loves you. And with all the love you get from it, you can increase engagement under your content even further. It makes your posts appear on the top of the feed.

The more eyeballs there are on your content – the more ideal customers you attract.

This informative description of each of the five types of posts will get you there. 

Good luck and don’t overstress this. Remember that the first step is always the hardest. 

Start creating personal content using the five post types. You got this!


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