July 27

How to write a Welcome Message for your new Facebook Group members


Now, you have created a group. You have done everything to start getting your first group members. Congratulations! If you haven’t yet, check out this Guide first: How to Set up a Facebook group.

It is time to move onto the next step. You are welcoming newcomers into the amazing world of your Facebook Group. You will have three dominos to knock down then. Those being the Group Description, Welcome Message/Video, and Starter Content. This article will go into detail about how to write a Welcome Message for your Facebook Group. 

Welcome Message is also referred to as a Welcome Post. It should be pinned to the top of the group’s Discussion.

It is worth mentioning that some groups do not even have a Welcome Message. But those groups also tend to be Public and their main purpose is selling or marketing. They include links to other businesses. That is something that is not recommended to you. Your purpose however is to grow a community of like-minded individuals. Therefore, you will want to create a Welcome Message to engage your Group Members as much as possible.

You direct your group towards a specific audience. Then, you need to create a good Welcome Message.

As you may know, your group on Facebook should be set to be Private. That way, you not only know exactly what kind of people are joining in. You also can show your audience what kind of a group you are.

When your group is Private, people from the outside will not be able to see your group’s Welcome Message. They will only see the Group Description.

How do these two differ, you may ask? Easy! The Group Description is something that people see before deciding to join in. That’s where you share the group values and mission. It shows non-members what your group has to offer before they join.

Welcome Message isn’t seen by non-Members. The Welcome Message is a warm greeting that you pin to the top of the discussion page inside of your group. 

Confused? Do not worry. Imagine that your group is at a party. You have been telling people about your party. You made a couple of friends here and there and interested them in you and what you have to offer. Then, you’ve set your place up. Now that your party has started, and people enter it, the host must welcome them warmly. You would have a small talk with them, and explain what is happening at the party at the moment. 

That is a Welcome Message. Not to be confused with Starter Content

Starter Content is what you see once you actually come into the party. Is there music? Are there drinks? Food? Are people already dancing or having conversations? Starter Content is all the posts that your Group Members see after joining in. That way, they get an understanding of your content.

Welcome Message isn’t seen by non-Members. The Welcome Message is a warm greeting that you pin to the top of the Announcement page inside of your group.

Location of the Welcome message
This is where the Welcome Message should be located in your Group

It typically includes three things. 

  1. A warm welcome to the group. 
  2. An introduction to you, the group owner. 
  3. The next steps that you want them to take.

The Welcome Message can be rather lengthy. But don’t be scared that it is. After all, there is a lot to cover in it. The Welcome Message can TYPICALLY follow the same formatting.

Here, let’s take a closer look at that formatting. Then, you can change it according to your content.

Here is the step-by-step guide you can follow to write an amazing Welcome Message:

Step 1 – You should add something that attracts their attention.

For example, [START HERE]. Use emojis at your will. You can use this amazing free emoji database: https://emojipedia.org/. Put emojis in the Welcome Post and it will appear more eye-catching.

Step 2- Write a warm Welcome for them.

Something like “I am very grateful you are here. I hope you will enjoy your time in this group” works wonders to help newcomers feel good. “Welcome to _” and fill in with your group name. Tell them how your group will benefit them.

How should the Welcome message start
How should the Welcome message start

Then, you can start outlining the next steps to take.

Making the steps clearly separate from each other looks more eye-catching
Making the steps clearly separate from each other looks more eye-catching

Step 3 – Ask them for an introduction

Kindly ask your newcomers to introduce themselves. They can tell others about their product or a project they are working on. Ask them to share who they are, what they do, and what they are struggling with. Then ask them to like and comment “I joined” or “I am in” under the post.

Step 4 – Tell them what buttons to click on

Remind them to make sure to turn their Notifications on and set it to “All Posts” so that they don’t miss anything.

That’s how it will look like for your Members when they turn the notifications on
That’s how it will look like for your Members when they turn the notifications on

Advertise your other related social media. For example, a Youtube channel.

Step 5 – Helpful links/tools.

Tell them about more helpful tools. Don’t forget to attach links so that they can visit websites. It doesn’t hurt if you are associated with any of them. Put links that you use or that you think are helpful. If you get any benefits from them clicking or buying, that is amazing. Be open and tell your customers about the benefits you get, they will appreciate your honesty.

Step 6 – Who can I help?

Then, you should remind them what kind of people you are looking for. Those people are the people that you can help.  Also, remind them what basic rules are to be followed in the community.

That’s it for the steps!

The order doesn’t matter that much. As long as you include all the things mentioned. And format your text so it looks cohesive without it looking boring. Make sure to separate your steps and use emojis at your will. 

Important note – do not copy the examples word for word. Remember that everyone’s group is different. 

At the end of your Facebook Group Welcome Message, you can add your Welcome Video. Welcome Message and the Welcome Video include very similar ideas. Some people like to have one or the other. It is recommended to have both. 

Now, the last point. You can definitely alter the way you communicate in your Welcome Message. As mentioned earlier, it should align with your group’s style. Don’t be scared to add a joke, or explain something. Be personal and be yourself. Of course, if that is the tone of communication in your group.

Welcome Message is a significant part of an ideal customer’s first impression of your group. It reminds them who you are and what your group is about. Moreover, it sets the next steps for them to follow. Good luck! Follow this guide and write your Welcome Message.

But don’t stress yourself out over this step.  Done is definitely better than perfect. So get it done and get it going!


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