To integrate ConstantContact with Group Doorman, you’ll need to install our Chrome extension for the group you’re currently managing. You’ll also need a ConstantContact account.
Adding ConstantContact to Group Doorman integrations
1.To get started, open up Group Doorman and head over to the Manage groups tab (1). Now click +Add integrations (2).

2. Find ConstantContact in the list shown and click on it.

3. Now, select Create new account (1) option, and click the Sign in button (2).

4. Fill in the Username and Password fields (1) on the form, that pops up, and click on the Sign In button (2). If you prefer, you can also use Google or Facebook to access your ConstantContact account (3).

5. Okay, once you’re back to GroupDorman, go ahead and click on the Save and continue button for the next step.

Adding a tag at Group Doorman
6. In the Group Doorman form, enter the name of the tag in the appropriate field. This tag will then be transferred to ConstantContact by Group Doorman when creating a contact.

Creating a List at ConstantContact
7. To create a list at ConstantContact, head over to the Contacts tab (1) and select All contacts (2) from the drop-down menu. Then, on the Lists page, you can either use the list that was created during registration (3) for Group Doorman integration, or you can create a brand new list by clicking on the Create List button (4).

8. When the pop-up appears, just give your list a name (1) and hit the Save button (2). Your list is done!

9. Now go to the Group Doorman form and select your list in the appropriate field.

Creating a Custom field at ConstantContact
Group Doorman allows you to post your group members’ responses to ConstantContact using custom fields. You’ll need to specify which response corresponds to each field. Additionally, Group Doorman can automatically generate default custom fields for you. To do this, simply click on the Create Fields for Answers button.
10. To create a custom field manually at ConstantContact, go to the Contacts(1) in the header, then click All contacts (2) in the drop-down.

11. Now, just click on the three little dots beside the Add Contacts button (1) and select Manage Custom Fields from the options that appear (2).

12. Here, click on the Create custom field button to add a new custom field.

13. Enter the field name (1) in the open creation form. Next, select the field type that suits your needs (2), and finally, hit the Save button (3).

Setup completion
14. To manage your custom fields in the Group Doorman form, simply select the fields created in ConstantContact (1). If you’ve made any changes to your custom fields in ConstantContact, click the Refresh fields button (2) to update the fields in the Group Doorman form. Once you’re finished, click Save and close (3) to save your changes.